A theologian and philosopher with areas of expertise in St. Paul and Aristotle. Theology teaching experience - 25 years, Philosophy and Ethics teaching experience - 8 years. Cross-cultural pastoral ministry, leadership, and executive experience - 21 years. Editorial experience - 20 years. Online teaching experience - 10 years.

PhD, Philosophy, University of Bucharest (2022). Nicomachean Ethics I-IV, translation and critical notes. Prof Dr. Gheorghe Vlăduțescu, Prof Dr. Valentin Mureșan
PhD, Theology, London School of Theology, (2001). Between Horror and Hope: Paul's Metaphorical Language of Death in Romans 6:1-11. Dr. Steven Motyer, Prof Dr. Max Turner
MPhil, Philosophy, University of Birmingham (2019). The Dependency of Happiness upon External Goods in Nicomachean Ethics. Dr Iain Law, Dr. Jussi Suikkanen
MA, Liberal & Integrative Studies: Philosophy, University of Illinois (2015). After Virtue and Morality. Dr William Kline
Diploma of Licentiate, Title of Licentiate in Theology, Babes-Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca (1996)

Associate Professor of Bible and Theology - Moody Bible Institute of Chicago (2022 - Present)
Associate Professor of Theology - Baptist Theological Institute of Bucharest (2000 - 2022)
Assistant Professor of Theology - Emanuel University of Oradea (1995 - 1998)

Editor of Jurnal teologic ( (2005 - present)
Index. Andrei A. Buckareff & Yujin Nagasawa (eds). Alternative Concepts of God, Essays on the Metaphysics of the Divine (Oxford University Press, 2016)

Chicago Society for Biblical Research (2013 - Present)
Society of Biblical Literature (2007- Present)
Evangelical Theological Society (2007 – Present)
Evangelical Philosophical Society (2023 - Present)
Ancient Philosophy Society (2017- Present)

• Aristotel, Etica nicomahică, traducere și note critice (Ratio et Revelatio, forthcoming 2024).
• Happiness and External Goods in Nicomachean Ethics (Pickwick Publications, 2019).
• Happiness as Actuality in Nicomachean Ethics, An Overview (Pickwick Publications, 2018).
• The Cross to Rome, Studies in Romans (Lambert Academic Publishing, 2014).
• Between Horror and Hope: Paul's Metaphorical Language of Death in Romans 6.1-11 (Paternoster, 2005).
• Studii în literatura paulină, (Editura Cartea Universitară, 2005).
• Cristos proclamat, (Editura Agape, 2004).
• Iosif Ţon – Orizonturi noi în spiritualitate şi slujire, [Festschrift], as coordinating editor, together with Dorothy Ghitea, (Editura Cartea creştină, 2004).
• Între groază şi speranţă, limbajul metaforic al morţii în Romani 6.1-11 (Editura Cartea Creştină, 2003).

Chapters in books
• Începutul lucrării lui Isus (Matei 1-4), La umbra Celui Atotputernic, Volum omagial Beniamin Fărăgău, Radu Gheorghiță, Emil Bartoș, eds. (Cluj-Napoca: Editura Risoprint, 2020), p. 267-276.
• Biblia între catedră și amvon. Responsabilitatea Bisericii în noul context social și academic, Interpretarea Biblică între Biserică și Universitate: perspective interconfesionale, Alexandtru Ioniță, ed., Sibiu, Cluj Napoca: Editura Andreiană, Presa Universitară Clujană, 2016, pp 15-29.
• Arndt, William Frederick, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 134. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016.
• Blackwell, Antoinette Louise Brown, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 280-281. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016.
• Goodspeed, Edgar Johnson, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 979-980. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016.
• Ives, Levi Silliman, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 1222. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016.
• Trifa, Valerian, in Encyclopedia of Christianity in the United States, ed. George Thomas Kurian and Mark A. Lamport, 2328-29. London: Rowan & Littlefield, 2016.
• Botezul ca metaforă în Romani 6.3, Care împarte drept Cuvântul adevărului, Volum omagial Ioan Bunaciu, Otniel Bunaciu, Radu Gheorghiţă, Emil Bartoş, eds. (Oradea: Editura Reformatio, 2005), pp. 85-100.
• Vechi şi nou în viaţa omului – continuitate şi discontinuitate, observaţii din Epistola către romani, in Iosif Ţon – orizonturi noi în spiritualitate şi slujire, Sorin Sabou, Dorothy Ghitea, coord. (Oradea: Editura Cartea Creştină, 2004), p. 137-146.

• Michelangelo, The Florentine Pieta, and the Reading of Scripture, Jurnal teologic, 21.2 (2022): 84-97.
• Apostolul Pavel în interpretarea lui Alain Badiou. O notă critică, Jurnal teologic, 18.2 (2019): 121-134.
• Rolul profesorului în prevenirea plagiatului, Jurnal teologic, 18.1 (2019): 5-14.
• Luther despre libertate, Jurnal teologic, 17.1 (2018): 47-65.
• După virtute și moralitate, Jurnal teologic, 15.2 (2016): 69-108.
• Descartes, Husserl, and Derrida on Cogito. Jurnal teologic, 14.2 (2015): pp. 5-18.
• John Locke and the Moral Value of Toleration. Jurnal teologic, 14.1 (2015): pp. 5-13.
• Snippets of Modern Wisdom, Jurnal teologic, 13.2 (2014): pp. 5-27.
• Human Nature and Moral Principles, Jurnal teologic, 13.1 (2014): pp. 5-16.
• Snippets of Ancient Wisdom - From the Milessian School to Augustine, Jurnal teologic, 12.2 (2013): pp. 24-36.
• The Son from Above, Jurnal teologic, 12.1 (2013), pp. 43-58.
• The Law, the Flesh and the Spirit - Romans 8:1-13, Jurnal teologic, 11.2 (2012), pp. 33-46.
• The Christian Proclamation as Gospel: The Polemics, Politics, and Praxis of euangelion in the Greco-Roman World of the First Century, Jurnal teologic, 11.1 (2012), pp. 72-81.
• Christ in His Death, Jurnal teologic, vol. 9, 2010, pp. 14-22.
• Comuniune, divinitate și revelație – exegeză teologică la Prologul Evangheliei după Ioan, Jurnal teologic, vol. 10, 2011, pp. 24-30.
• ‘Dead to the Law’ in Romans, Pleroma, anul XI, nr. 1 (2009) 49-62.
• Înțelegerea convertirii, Jurnal teologic, vol. 8, 2009, pp. 30-43.
• Cristos ca și εἰκω̃ν al Dumnezeului nevăzut, Jurnal teologic, vol. 7, 2008, pp. 35-42.
• Romani 1.1-7 – Prezentarea apostolului şi salutul pentru cei din Roma, Jurnal teologic, vol 6, 2007, pp. 57-66.
• Moartea față de lege – spre o nouă hermeneutică, Jurnal teologic, vol 5. 2006, pp. 67-79.
• Iudaism palestinian intertestamental – elemente definitorii, Jurnal teologic, vol. 4, 2005, pp. 135-155.
• A Note on Romans 6:5: The Reprezentation (ὀμοίωμα) of His Death, Tyndale Bulletin, 55.2, 2004, pp. 219-229.
• Cristologie şi viaţa comunităţii, observaţii din Epistola către coloseni, Jurnal teologic, vol. 2, nr.1, 2004, p. 172-176.
• Cristos în moartea sa: centrul focal al dreptăţii mîntuitoare a lui Dumnezeu în Romani 3.24-25, Jurnal teologic, vol. 1, nr. 1, 2002, pp. 54-64.
• Asemănarea morţii Lui, Creştinul azi – Supliment teologic, vol. 3, nr. 1, 2002, pp. 40-44.
• Pavel şi Socrate: moartea ca o metaforă pentru înţelegerea transfomării omului, Creştinul Azi – Supliment teologic, vol. 2, nr. 1, 2000, pp. 44-48.

Bible Translations
• Biblia, noua traducere în limba română, ([Coordinator and one of the translators, 1995-1999]) [Holy Bible, The New Romanian Translation (NTR), (International Bible Society, 2007).
• Noul Testament, o traducere în limba română contemporană, [The New Testament, a translation into contemporary Romanian language], together with Simona Sabou, (International Bible Society, 1998).

• Michelangelo’s Reading of 1 Thes. 4.16-17 and 2 Thes. 1.7-10 in the Last Judgement, The Chicago Society for Biblical Research & The Catholic Biblical Association of America, The Midwest Regional Meeting for Biblical Studies, Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame, IN, 2024.
• Paul and the Good of Man, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwestern Regional Meeting, Hannibal-LaGrange University, MO, 2022.
• God after 'the Death of God' - Christianity in the Hermeneutics of Gianni Vattimo, Evangelical Theological Society, Southeastern Regional Conference, Charleston Southern University, SC, 2021.
• Ethics with Paul, Society of Biblical Literature, Midwestern Regional Meeting, St Mary's College, Notre Dame, MI, 2020.
• Luther on Liberty, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwest Regional Meeting, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago IL, 2019.
• MacIntyre, Aristotle and Modern Morality in After Virtue, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwest Regional Meeting, Wheaton College, Wheaton IL, 2017.
• The Gospel of God’s Kingdom, A New Thematic Approach in doing New Testament Theology, Evangelical Theological Society, Midwest Regional Meeting, Lincoln Christian University, Lincoln IL, 2013.
• The Son from Above, Society of Biblical Literature, Midwest Regional Meeting, Olivet Nazarene University, Bourbonais IL, 2013.
• The Christian Proclamation as Gospel: The Polemics, Politics, and Praxis of euangelion in the Greco-Roman World of the First Century, Evangelical Theological Society, 57th Midwest Regional Meeting, Moody Bible Institute, Chicago, 2012.
• Christ’s Death in Romans 3:21-26, Evangelical Theological Society, 61st Annual Meeting, New Orleans, 2009.
• Dead to the Law in Romans, Evangelical Theological Society, 60th Annual Meeting, Providence, 2008.
• Relaţia cu puterea politică, Romani 13 în interpretarea lui E. Kasemann, Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Teologie baptistă, 2005.
• Vechi şi nou în viaţa omului, continuitate şi discontinuitate, Institutul Teologic Baptist din Bucureşti, 2004.
• Comunitatea creştină ca răspuns apologetic în postmodernitate, Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea, 2004.
• Noul Testament, o traducere în limba română contemporană, filosofia traducerii ilustrată prin exemple, Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea, 2003.
• Urmând pe Cristos chiar şi în Europa – Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Teologie baptistă, 2003.
• Întruparea ca revelaţie – Universitatea Emanuel din Oradea, 1997.

Romanian Baptist Association of USA and Canada
• President (2015-2018; 2021-present)
• Executive Secretary (2013-2015)
• VicePresident for the East Coast (2011-2013)

Romanian Baptist Church of Metropolitan Chicago
• Pastor (2023-present)

El Roi Romanian Baptist Church, Chicago
• Pastor (2006-2023)

Romanian Baptist Church of Brasov, Romania
• Pastor (2000-2006)