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Sorin Sabou

Letter to the Romans, Nicomachean Ethics, and more

Comuniune, divinitate și revelație

SABOU, Sorin. "Comuniune, divinitate și revelație - exegeză teologică la Prologul Evangheliei după Ioan." / "Communion, Divinity and Revelation - Theological Exegesis on the Prologue of John's Gospel." Jurnal teologic 10 (2011): 24-30.

Abstract: The Prologue of Gospel of John is a dense theological text. The main figure of Logos is God's agent in his creation for bringing it in communion with him. The Logos is fully capable for this mission. His existence, his communion with God, his divinity, his instrumentality in bringing everything in existence are his assets with which he comes to dwell among his people. He is unique. The theological argument starts underlying the depth of Logos communion with God and ends as he, the only God close to the Father's heart, is making him fully known. True revelation is based on close communion.

Lecția de la început

Dupa creatie, cea mai mare lucrare a lui Dumnezeu a fost rascumpararea omului. Raspunderea ducerii la indeplinire a acestei lucrari a fost incredintata Fiului Sau. Pregatirea Fiului, la inceputul lucrarii sale, a fost printr-o perioada prelungita de post. In pustie El a aratat claritatea alegerilor sale si limpezimea cu care isi intelege misiunea. Painea si apa sunt bune, dar este ceva mai bun si mai necesar pentru viata decat ele: cuvintul pe care il rosteste Dumnezeu.
