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Sorin Sabou

Letter to the Romans, Nicomachean Ethics, and more

Rolul profesorului în prevenirea plagiatului

SABOU, Sorin, The Role of the Professor in Preventing Plagiarism / Rolul profesorului în prevenirea plagiatului, Jurnal teologic, Vol 18, Nr 1 (2019): 5-14.
Institutul Teologic Baptist din București

The traditional approaches to prevent plagiarism sees it as 1) a moral error, and 2) something illegal. These traditional approaches do not lead to the satisfactory results in preventing plagiarism. More recently, internet plagiarism is an educational disaster which shows the problems of the present system of education. To understand academic integrity, the student needs to acquire a set of skills which help him/her to see the value of using the sources correctly.

Keywords: plagiarism, education, essay, book review